Monday, September 11, 2006

отведите меня домой к вашему дому

I think this video is amazing:

After a stressful month at work, things are looking up. I finally know how much I am making after my promotion, and am starting to get my reel together, to move on to bigger and better things.

This city amazes me. There are so many opportunites, if you look hard enough. And sometimes when you don't look at all.

I wonder what my experience would have been like had I not moved out here into such a cool group of friends. I am a very lucky person.

A good friend pointed out to me the other day the unofficial start of election season begins with labor day. Notice the gas prices dropping.

I wish it was election season more often. Gas is crazy expensive.

There are a couple of things I miss about Texas (other than my amazing friends and family) . . .

RAIN. Thunderstorms, lighting, the way the air smells before rain, and the think air when it is done.

Live music.
Cheap beer.
6th street.
100+ degrees.

And, when I was in Austin. I was very . . . in my head. In a weird way. I miss that. Not that I want the depression, or the pensive mindset, but in a way, I miss it.

But . . . LA is amazing. And I am happier than I have been in such a long time.

over and out.