Monday, October 16, 2006


I'm crying a bit right now..

I had such an amazing trip. I learned so much about my self, others, and life.
Great people.... and amazing adventures.

I don't want to sleep. Because when I put my head to the pillow. It all ends.

I guess everything must come to an end eventually.

But this is what life is about. . . and I love that this trip brought me back to reality. All that matters is adventure, experience, happiness, life.

Each passing day will bring something new.. .. I just wish I had one more with this one.

Cheers to you Nebraska.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


you know what I love?

when you meet someone. And you just Click.
It is quite unexplainable really. Sometimes you are just meant to be friends with certain people.

It has always amazed me.

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As do sunsets.

I went through a pretty hard time a couple of weeks ago. just frustrated with my life. I felt it was stuck. If you will. And then I woke up.

And now there seems to be promise in every direction.

I have amazing friends. People that I just adore being around. Friends I would have never expected to have.

Opportunity is everywhere here. It is hard. It is a lot of work. It is stressful. But it is here. And I couldn't ask for more.

I realized that I am doing everything I have wanted to do. And for that. I am thankful at every sunrise.

The regeneration happening all around is beautiful.