Thursday, November 02, 2006

Just smile all the time.

Time. Space. Repetition. Life. Size.
What does it mean.
Why are we compelled to ask the same question over the ages.

How many people have looked upon this same mountain in awe of its grandeur and asked why they are put here.

What does it mean if there really is no answer.
Would it make life on this rock we call home any better. Or any worse.
What creates meaning?

What is interesting, is that the music playing in the background as this is written and read is creating in itself more meaning that was simply typed. If you come back again. The feeling will be lost, turn on another song. Everything changes.

Time. Space. Repetition. Life. Size.

We are nothing.


Family is intersting, because you can never escape it.

Screw you.

Everyone thinks about themselves. Its the big elephant in the room of our society. But it is only so... because it is true.

and screw you if you don't like me. I will never change for you.

I am . . . who I am . . . love me. or don't.

I am not obligated to love you. nor you to I.

I am words. I am emotion. There is nothing more to life. Life becomes how you express it. Maybe I am not artistic enough. But it is all I can be. Love me or hate me. But feel me either way.

I don't have enough anger left to express the hurt you have caused.
and I don't have enough tears left to waist them on your vanity.
I am not here to make you feel better. I have played that role.

and I'm retired.

You can take my beauty and wit. But I will always have my soul.

It is mine alone.