Friday, March 25, 2005

sprite reminds me of throwing up

Do you ever think about the different ways that your life could have gone? How different it really could have been?

Its weird

Thursday, March 24, 2005

I am addicted to craigslist

And I just yelled at t-mobile . . but I got 20 free picture messages :)

I wish other people were responsible sometimes, I hate doing all the work. Sometimes I want to be the irresponsible one. . .

Today was a good day all around. Going downtown later with Ali and possible Hope. YAY

Hopefully I will remember the night this time.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

If you like Pina Coladas

Do you ever feel like you are never good at anything? I mean, that there are lots of things that you can do well, just nothing really great.

When it comes to creativity, I almost always have none. It is sad. I wish I could paint, and draw and write kick ass cool scripts like everyone else. I feel like the stupid kid in the corner with their finger up their nose.

I have been crying for like 4 days straight. No one knows. I have become queen of hiding it.
And I can't talk about it, because it just makes me more sad, or anxious or something. Talking about other people's problems are better.

I hate telling people about my life. I wish I was a happy person, and did not just have to pretend all the time.

You know what else.

My apartment smells bad, because the dishes have not been done, but I don't want to do them because none of them are mine. And that is sad.

Monday, March 21, 2005

It is pretty outside my window

In my head, I create the way things should go.

For instance I create all of the dialogue for a conversation I am going to have with a person.

And I am always disappointed when it does not go the way thought it would. And it never goes the way I think it will.

So really, I am just always setting myself up for disappointment. Thats not good.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

After 90 hours of work . . . and more to come

I am so busy. I am so busy that I can't think sometimes and when I find time to think, all I can think about is what I should be doing, or what needs to be done. It is incredibly tiring.

But, I dont think I could live any other way.
I have never been unbusy. Since I was born, there have always been things to do, dance, school, band, movies, exchange etc. I have never had time to think.

My feet always hurt, they throb constantly. I wish that would stop.

I do fear that one day, when I don't have a million things to do, I am going to freak out. I cry when I have half a day of free time.

I can't decide if I like my life or not. So many good things, so many bad. I guess I should stop wanting to like it, and just enjoy it, whatever it is.

easier said than done.