Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Life's a Beach

So my weekend was pretty fantastic.

Friday night I spent some quality time with an amazing person. My friend Joy and I went to a party in the Hollywood Hills, we could probably have spit on the Hollywood sign, it was fantastic. We have always hung out in groups together and I have known her for years, but this was one of the first times I got to really hang out with her one on one. She is grand.

We talked, ate and danced. Karen and Eddie were also there for a bit so it was an overall great night.

Saturday I woke up with a ton of plans. This is my last weekend before I head to Peru for 10 days to be with my love (which I could not be more excited about). But in reality I ended up staying in my apartment all day and skyping with Daniel. It has become very apparent that I can kick his ass at almost any yahoo game (with the exception of Checkers and Battleship - so we just don't play those.. hehe). It was wonderful spending all day with him, even if it was only virtual.

Sunday I went to Venice beach with some friends:

I was out in the sun all day which is nothing short of amazing.

I left the beach for book club. We were discussing "The Glass Key" and we ALL got the killer wrong. The book was not my favorite, but book club always makes me smile.

I left book club for poker night at Mica's. I didn't win. Mostly because I promised Daniel I would be done by 10:30 so that I could talk to him before it got too late. ANd i did :)

Its just a shame that the wonderful weekend was greeted by an awful Monday.

Long story short, I am not getting a raise. According to my boss my performance is great but the with the strike they cannot afford to give raises.

It is a bad excuse and an insult to my loyalty and hard work. I can't express my disappointment in my workplace and boss.
They pay me next to nothing and I have taken on numerous (money saving) tasks around the office. I am a great employee and they will regret this decision when I leave.

I can't wait to get away.

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