Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lucky Iowa

I can't quite put my finger on what it is..

maybe it is my newfound energy, respect for wine and a good days work, but life is good here in Iowa.

I am working on a movie... can't say to much about it here, but look for it in theaters next year :) and we are filming in Iowa. A place I never thought I would visit, especially stay for an extended time. But I like it, it reminds me of the simple life in Texas.

Open roads, nice people, good food, never ending skies and thunder.

It makes me remember why we work hard, what makes dreams worth dreaming. It is so nice to get out of the city. To forget the superficial sighs that border our lives.

I am married to the most amazing man. I miss him every second that I breathe. I wish he was here to experience everything by my side. But at the same time, it is because I am alone that I am finally seeing the things that were always right in front of my face before.

I had a conversation recently with a friend who is adamant about not having children. Both he and his wife agree that they would rather spend the time loving eachother, travelling the world and not risking the stress of children. It wasn't until I had this conversation that I fully understood how much I want to have kids with Daniel. All of these images rushed into my head. How wonderful Daniel is going to be as a father. Our children growing up with the love that we share. It is such a beautiful and comforting image, that I could never imagine giving up.

Don't worry. I am not talking anytime soon... I need a couple of years first :)

But I am happy. Very happy. Content with where I am in life. Excited about the possibilities that the future holds and in love. Learning to take a positive spin on everything and realize that I create my own world... I am the alchemist... and I can only hope to continue on the path I am creating. . .

1 comment:

Shanda said...

We live the lives we create.
I admire your whole being.
Nothing on your path has been coincidence, thank you for sharing it with all those whom love you everyday.